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Brendales Communications 





トップページ 講師挨拶 料金について お問い合わせ お振込先




















What is the CACHH (Christopher Alexander Cooperative for Helping the 

We are not a religious organization that is promoting any particular concept,  
and we are hoping that people of all different walks of life, ways of 
thinking, and faiths will come together and lend a helping hand.  Also,  we are not 
a political organization at present and we would like to remain indifferent 
and impartial to particular views or concepts.  We have no political ambitions 
at present.   We would like to (as much as it is possible) concentrate on 
fighting against injustice and poverty.

Not so long ago,  Donald Rumsfeld,  the then U.S. defense secretary,  May 
2002,  was quoted as saying,'ideas have consequences'.

We totally agree with him about this but the point we are trying to make is 
that together with a little coordinated action and good will,  'ideas' can 
produce good results (and not evil ones) for needy people such as the homeless 
and poor of Tokyo.

Homeless people all have various individual reasons why they have ended up on 
the human scrap-heap.  Having spoken with some of them,  I am quite surprised 
and touched that there are even love stories among them that have caused them 
to endure such a predicament so that they can be of help to the people that 
they love.  Of course,  I am not in a position to elaborate on people's such 
private circumstances.  The point is,  many of us assume that the homeless are 
intellectually deficient people that don't deserve to be helped because they 
can't be or they don't want to be.  This may be true is a few instances and 
cases but it is rather unhelpful and unthoughtful to adopt such a perspective.  
Contrary to mainstream thinking,  I have observed that many homeless 
individuals are relatively intelligent, some are very clever, logical thinking,  
caring,  realistic, humorous, and hard working.  Many of them have been cured of 
alcoholism and out of control gambling habits which originally brought some 
of them into homelessness,  simply because they can no-longer finance such 
addictions anymore.  Some of them say that even if they ever again had the money 
to spend on such things,  they would not go down those paths again.  I'm sure 
that most of them are speaking the truth.

In the light of the Global recession,  it has become clear that many of the 
homeless have only joined this class of people in recent months,  according to 
their own accounts.  The casual labour that they used to once depend upon for 
their livelihoods has more or less dried up.  Many of this group or category 
never imagined that they would end up homeless.  Even among some of you 
readers,  homelessness will happen to you too,  as shocking as it may be.  This 
will not be a reflection of your intelligence or your willingness to work.  Of 
course,  I am not wishing this upon any of you but I am just pointing out 
that the global recession has produced many victims as it is still sure to 
continue doing so.  In terms of unemployment (the main cause of homelessness),  we 
have by no means reached the bottom yet.

Helping animals and preserving their natural environments must never be 
considered unimportant by anyone.  After all,  this has very much to do with the 
world we live in and bad management and abuse of natural resources will 
continue to have detrimental effects on the entire human race.  Having said this,  
if we can't even help our own race and species from living a life similar to 
scavenging stray dogs on the streets,  how can we possibly expect to help any 
other life form on this planet?   You may be familiar with the saying, 
'Charity starts at home' (one of my late father's favourite sayings).  If this 
saying is true,  I'd like to help you appreciate that 'home' is not only your 
immediate family but in this general sense is the human race itself.

At CACHH we have already secured voluntary 'work' for six would be homeless,  
who in return for their contribution of services will be provided with 
housing with most facilities included,  three meals per day,  pocket money, clean 
clothes,  and cigarettes for those of them that smoke.  These fortunate six 
individuals that I will personally select myself will have these things 
provided to them from the end of December until April of next year.  When they are 
released back onto the streets again next spring,  they will have by that 
stage accumulated a substantial amount of cash which will help them along their 
way.  Of the six,  three will be quite able bodied whilst the remaining three 
will be of the elderly and vulnerable category.  The idea is,  the healthy 
ones will help and assist the elderly ones that are in need of more care and 
attention.  Needles to say,  nothing is expected from anyone without their 
prior agreement.  Nobody is being forced against their will to participate in 
this project.

What else are we doing at CACHH?  So far,  three homeless,  a student with 
financial difficulties,  and myself,  have sold flowers on the streets of 
Tokyo.  It has been over ten days since we started this activity.  One of the 
homeless has since dropped out,  another one not in touch anymore,  and the 
student quit after just one evening.  The money generated from this activity has 
gone straight into the pockets of the 'flower sellers' and some of it has been 
channeled to pay for costs such as petrol for my car, food for us,  costumes,  
materials and flowers,  etc.  So far,  the money generated from our 
activities has not covered our costs and we are currently running at a loss.  Any 
contributions will be warmly welcomed.

CACHH has also collected clothes contributions for the homeless.  To date,  
about one van load's quantity of such clothes has been collected.  These 
clothes are still in the process of being distributed.  Of course,  the homeless 
who are involved in our flower selling activity and the ones (the six) that 
will be helped by us this winter,  will have first pick of the clothes.  The 
remaining clothes that will be surplus will be distributed at random to the 
homeless in mainly Tokyo.

If you would like to know more about us,  please don't hesitate to contact 
me.  I only correspond in English but I do speak Japanese fluently.

Thanking you in advance for your support,  even if it is only in the form of 
mind and spirit.

Kind regards and best wishes,

Yours faithfully,

Chris Alexander


です。我々には、現在政治的な野心がありません。 不正と貧困と戦うことに集中し(それも可能です)たいです。
ることさえできないならば)方法缶を言います? あなたは、格言(『自宅の慈善スタート』(私の亡父の大好きな格言のうちの1つ))をよく知っ











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